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How Not To Lose Your Next Good Client To A Weak Website (Copy)

  • ONLINE Sydney Australia (map)

Is your Firm tapping into the full potential of your referral network in the digital age? Your website can be the linchpin for turning high-quality referrals into clients.

This online session is for Partners, Principals, and Practice Managers at law firms that don’t have the benefit of a marketing professional maintaining their website. It’s designed to be practical, not technical, so you can implement the strategies right away.

Stop Losing Referrals in the 'Messy Middle'

You already know that word-of-mouth is still the driving force behind building a legal practice. But today’s buyer journey is anything but simple. Enter the 'Messy Middle'—the unpredictable stage between receiving a referral and signing the client.

Read more about the messy middle here

Consider this:

  • It’s rare that a new client will find you by searching a generic term, like "business lawyer", on Google

  • However, potential clients—especially those who were referred to you—are very likely to check your website before making contact

  • This 'information foraging' determines how clients perceive your practice and influences whether they reach out or move on.

After visiting your website:

  • Some will contact you directly

  • Others will send an email

  • Some may decide to go with another lawyer

  • And some won’t take any action at all.

Most lawyers tell me, 'If I can have a conversation with a potential client, I can usually build a strong connection.'" The challenge? If a prospect never reaches out, you don’t get that opportunity and you won’t even know about the ones who slipped away.

What This Online Session Will Cover

We’ll explore twenty practical, actionable steps to make sure your website is doing the heavy lifting for you. By the end of the session, you'll know how to:

  • Create trust and credibility: Highlight key information that builds immediate trust with prospective clients.

  • Focus on what matters most: Use the right content to address the real questions your referral clients have.

  • Simplify navigation: Ensure your website is clear, easy to navigate, and leads clients to take action.

  • Turn website visits into conversions: Learn how to turn those visits into calls, emails, and meetings.

This session will give you the tools to stop losing referrals in the 'Messy Middle' and move them to making contact. You’ll walk away with practical solutions you can implement right away.

When & How

This 60-minute webinar will be held on Tuesday 29 October at 9am AEDT and at 12pm AEDT. You only need to register for one.

The early bird registration fee per person is AUD 99 (includes GST) if you register by Friday, 25 October. Registration fee from 26 October is AUD 132 (includes GST).

After The Session

You have the option of a website review. Attendees will receive a link to book a private meeting with the speaker, Paul Evans. He will review your website and provide recommendations in a complementary 45-minute Zoom meeting (usually AUD 250).

If you need to cancel your registration we will refund any fees paid. We also reserve the right to cancel this session due to insufficient registrations.