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Client loyalty isn’t about trust—it’s about habit. The easier you make it to stay, the harder it is to leave. Here’s how to build that advantage.
Leverage the fresh start effect to refresh relationships, set small goals, and refocus your business development plans.
Planning to unplug for the holidays? Your out-of-office message can keep clients informed and reassured. Discover tips for a professional sign-off.
Being “client-centric” has almost become a cliché in the way firms describe themselves. However, some leading thinkers in the legal field see the ability of lawyers to say “no” as a key element of their professionalism, writes Andrew Mckenzie.
The ‘silly season’ is upon us, and if you’re an introvert like me, chances are you could be dreading it… That’s why I’ve come up with these tips to help you find it both rewarding and (dare I say) enjoyable.
Do lawyers make great leaders? Professor Michele DeStefano believes they can—but it takes more than technical skill to earn true followership. Here’s her Three Rules of Engagement to help you make the shift from subject matter expert to a trusted adviser and leader…
When uncertainty rattles business confidence, the best marketing is to show you’re there for your clients. It’s a purposeful way to connect and position yourself as the trusted adviser they need right now. We show you how to do just that…
Meetings with prospective clients are a critical part of any lawyer’s business development efforts, but striking the right balance between under-preparation and over-preparation can be challenging. Sue-Ella's S.L.A.Y. framework—Share, Learn, Ask or Affirm, and 'Yes' —provides a clear, actionable method for preparing effectively.
The results are in, and most of us agree: BD is more difficult for women in the insolvency and restructuring sector. Could the opportunity for niche profiling and a shift in client profiles offer a ray of hope?
An opportunity for Leaders in Law Firms or Legal Departments to work with Prof Michele DeStefano in Australia from 12-18 October, 2024.
If you’re one of this year’s crop of new Partners let me begin by saying congratulations. Partnership is a significant career milestone and one you should be celebrating. It also means you’re going to have to have a solid game plan for cementing your position and growing your practice into everything it should be.
Here’s my 10-point plan for doing just that …
Word-of-mouth is still king when it comes to building a professional services practice but the new business pathway is getting more tortuous.
When it comes to the way your law firm operates - and what you expect your lawyers to do to keep it profitable - you might be surprised what your associates don’t understand.
Writing an effective business plan doesn’t have to be painful. Here’s how you can get more out of yours in 6 steps.
In demanding times like these your business development plans become even more important. Here’s how to tackle them plus 5 CPD sessions to show you even more.
Firms want fee earners to be more than reliable technicians. They want professionals with commercial nous who can make good business development decisions based on intuition rather than just analysis. But not everyone knows instinctively what constitutes good BD. And what works for one firm may not work for another. So, how can you develop that instinct?
Back in 2005 this research provided ideas for Marketers in professional services firms who wanted a seat at the leadership table. I think its just as relevant today.
In this episode of The Boutique Lawyer Show, host Jerome Doraisamy welcomes back Prodonovich Advisory Principal, Sue-Ella Prodonovich (who also regularly serves as a judge for Lawyers Weekly awards programs), to discuss how business development can, and does, prove more difficult for women leaders in law.
Investing a little time in your small talk has the potential to pay off big. Here’s why.
Shutting down your phone and talking frankly could be the key to growing your practice. Here’s why.
You have just 120 hours a year to get your Business Development (BD) done. So what should you focus on?
In 2021, the Law Society of Singapore launched their first programme for small to mid-sized law firms called Raising The Bar (RTB). RTB is a four to five-month acceleration programme customized to help law firms transform their business journey. Here’s how three firms applied what they learnt in RTB …
As the legal industry diversifies beyond traditional structures, we’ve witnessed the rise of the hyperspecialised law firm. Often spinoffs from large law firms, hyper-specialised boutiques focus on a particular area of expertise, type of client, or local area
Winning back clients can be easier than wooing new ones. Wondering how to do that? The key is understanding why they left in the first place.
As the pressure to innovate mounts, firms are looking for previously unexplored avenues which may provide competitive advantage.
In professional services, the laws of Business Development (BD) are being re-written before our very eyes. I explore what it takes to succeed in today’s marketplace.
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“In my experience, Sue-Ella is by far the best business development adviser in Australasia.”
Chair & Partner, Global Law Firm, June 2023“I've said for a long time now that Sue-Ella Prodonovich writes brilliant marketing tips for us non-marketer professional services people - this one though is pure genius! I can tell you it works. And I've been saying to anyone who will listen for years now that the day of the rainmaker is over.....”
Partner, BigLaw (March 2023)“I’ve always enjoyed your articles and regulalry circulate them to our lawyers saying ‘this is what you need to know’.” Managing Partner, BigLaw (Feb 2023)
“I just wanted to say that I find your emails really good and this one was excellent.” MD, LawTech (March 2022)
“Love your updates. Thank you.” Litigation Partner, Large Law Firm (March 2022)
“What an amazing smorgasbord of tips and insights for new fee earning partners within professional services firms. Sue-Ella Prodonovich you are, and always will be. an absolute guru with incredibly sensible ideas from a BD perspective.” - Business Marketing Lead, Big 4 Consulting (Aug 2021)
“I enjoy your regular newsletters. They take less than 5 minutes to read and I always get a couple of valuable take outs.” - Partner, International Specialist Law Firm (May 2021)
“As ever your comments and advice are spot on, and generally delivered with your characteristically slightly wry style. “ - Partner Large firm (March 2021)
“Great insights. This is genuine and real when so much of the other Tosh I read at the moment is entirely superficial.” - Partner, Large Firm (June 2020)
"Your article was thoughtful, and authentic, in itself - and very relevant to the times. I have appreciated it so much, that I have passed it on to our team.” - Partner, Large Firm (May 2020)
“What a great read! You’ve given me great insights and invaluable ways of thinking.” - Bid & Tender Executive (May 2020)
“I want to let you know that I have found your updates incredibly insightful over the past few years. The one that sticks in my mind is ‘Why the rainmaker is dead: the new rules for winning work’. ” Partner, Global Law (Sept 2020)
The results are in, and most of us agree: in the context of professional services, BD is more difficult for women. But could the shift to online offer a ray of hope?