Business Development Advice for Lawyers & Professional Services | Prodonovich Advisory

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25 Ideas To Kick Start Your New Financial Year

A good sales regime includes at least one Business Development activity every day. So if you are starting from scratch or just scratching your head about what to do in the small window of available time you have then here's 25 ideas to help kick start your BD habit.  

  1. Google yourself. Put yourself in the position of a prospective client and try and find your service / your firm / your name or a firm that provides the service you offer to your target market. Is there anything you would like to improve?

  2. Review your business pipeline activity for the next week. If you're unsure about your sales conversion rate or deal flow then you may find the 2-4-8 rule useful (working on 2 clients; pitching on 4 opportunities; pursuing 8 new leads)

  3. Call a referrer and update them on work they have referred you

  4. Do 15 minutes of desk research on one target client

  5. Refresh your LinkedIn profile

  6. Review stories published in your social media groups and 'Like' or 'Comment' on those you appreciate

  7. Endorse a contact on LinkedIn (if you're not sure how to do this - then ask for LinkedIn training)

  8. List your Top 5 clients by revenue, Top 5 by profit and Top 5 by growth potential. What client will have the greatest impact on your practice next year? Keep the list handy (they are your First XV) and commit to at least 1 action in the next week

  9. What are the issues your clients are asking questions about? Write a paper or blog or a brief email - answering a client's question.

  10. Introduce someone from your firm to a client or referral source. 'Velcro' good relationships with multiple contacts

  11. Did you win a new client or major matter in the past 4 months? Consider arranging a meeting at theirs to review work to date and discuss plans for next 3-6 months

  12. Call a client or referral source you haven't spoken with in the past 4 months to see how things are going

  13. Schedule a networking event for contacts every 6 months. Then you'll always have an invitation on hand to send to new contacts as a follow up to your networking activities

  14. Review articles, conversations threads or public submissions to policy reviews. Is there an opportunity to summarise the content and share with contacts?

  15. Was there a tender you missed out on in the past year? Call to see how things are going.

  16. Was there a lead that simply went cold? Call them!

  17. Take a client and a colleague out for a cuppa. Seek to understand their practice, how they win business, and how you can help

  18. Review the professional, business and community groups to which you give your time. Trim those you are not excited about - make room for the ones you get a kick out of

  19. Call or write to say 'Thank you' to a loyal client, a referrer or major supplier.

  20. Google an existing client or referrer to see if there is any new news

  21. Critically review a proposal or engagement letter. Anything you'd like to change?

  22. Set up a Twitter Account and take it for a test drive by following @annabelcrabb

  23. Write a personalised Christmas Card and stash it away for mailing on Nov 30.

  24. Enrol in a training program.

  25. Read a business publication or an industry publication for news and inspiration.

Keep a list of BD activities that work - just like any exercise regime you’ll want to keep testing and trialing for results. One firm I work with managed to build this list to 62 activities!  How about you?

Want More?

To sound out a business development idea with Sue-Ella, get in touch for a personalised Zoom chat or call.

Sue-Ella is the Principal of Prodonovich Advisory, a business dedicated to helping professional services firms sharpen their business development practices, and attract and retain good clients.

Let’s get social. Connect with Sue-Ella on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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