Ever had a client rave about one part of your firm, but complain about another? It’s more common than you think—and it doesn’t always mean something’s gone wrong. Mixed feedback from the same client often points to deeper issues: inconsistent onboarding, patchy internal referrals, or overloaded client relationship partners.
Read MoreIn May, I joined Lynette Nixon Innovation Director at PWC to address the CXPS: Client Experience in Professional Services Conference. Together, we spoke on ‘Building client journey maps to drive action and deliver smart revenue’.
Read MoreLast week I blogged about three common fears that hold professionals back when it comes to asking for client feedback. And I was pleased to see that my post generated a reasonable of discussion from people on the feedback front line.
Read MoreThe value of client feedback to professional services firms is well documented. And yet, so many professionals let their fears about client feedback hold them back from doing it properly. If you’re one of them, read on...
Read MoreA lot of people have been asking me how to ask for work lately. Here are seven tactics I tell them to use.
Read MoreLet’s face facts, sometimes you just need work now. So if you’re struggling to get out from behind your desk and meet potential clients, here’s my guide to doing it the right way.
Read MoreThe recent report Australia: State of the Legal Market 2015 revealed just how much the legal market has changed over the past 10 years. What I’m interested in is what this change means for law firms hoping for a future.
Read MoreIf you want to be indispensable to your clients don’t think about trying to become their trusted adviser. Don’t think about how you can repackage your fees or offer more elaborate customer service either. Instead, think about one thing: what can you do to make things easier?
Read MoreRecommendations and referrals are the lifeblood of any professional services business but there’s something that can make us decidedly embarrassed about asking for them.
Read MoreLaw and accounting firms are increasingly seeing the value in rigorous client feedback and some firms are becoming very good at gathering and using it to improve their practice
Read MoreBuilding Trustability is a proactive approach to accelerate trustworthiness and the proactive protection of client's interests.
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